Course Details

Course Information:
Scheduled Event:
Instructor Name: Molly Strothkamp
Event Type: Web Based - Time Specific

Event Notes:
Important information: • Training is only for participants who work in programs who currently serve children ages Birth to twelve. • THIS IS A LIVE INTERACTIVE TRAINING AND PARTICIPATION IS EXPECTED. • In order to receive credit for attending participants must login within the first 15 minutes and stay for the entire training session. • All persons must register in advance on the Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry in order to attend the training. • We will use the Zoom application, which you can access from your mobile phone or computer for free. You will need to download the free version of ZOOM and follow the link to participate. • Please make sure that your registry information is up to date with current employer information.

Enrollment Information:
Event Capacity: 50
# Enrolled: 0
# Waitlisted: 0