Course Details

Course Information:
Scheduled Event:
Instructor Name: Kristen Richards
Event Type: Web Based - Time Specific

Event Notes:
Important information: • TRAINING IS REQUIRED FOR ALL STAFF MEMBERS including volunteers WHO WORK IN CHILD CARE PROGRAMS • All persons must register in advance on the Arizona Early Childhood Workforce Registry in order to attend the training. • In order to receive credit for attending participants must login within the first 15 minutes and stay for the entire training session. • Virtual training will be live streamed and require an internet connection. • This will be a live presentation, which will allow you to interact with the trainer and the other participants. Your participation is required. • When you login, you will need to CHANGE YOUR ZOOM NAME TO YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME to verify attendance. Otherwise, you will not receive credit for the training. • Please make sure that your registry information is up to date with current employer information.

Enrollment Information:
Event Capacity: 50
# Enrolled: 0
# Waitlisted: 0